"Theater is a verb before it is a noun, an act before it is a place."
-Martha Graham

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Giant Massive Update Because I'm 3 weeks Behind: Part 1

Ahhhhhhh. So I basically have forgotten about this for the past 3 weeks because everything has been coming at me like a bullet train as I try and tie my last few weeks together in London. BUT if you have been wondering what I have been up to, I shall give you a couple of hints:

The Week on November 10th-

On Monday of this week we had our final showings for our period dance and stage combat classes. What are these classes? You may wonder. Period dance is where we learned all about the court dances of the well-to-do in English society from the late 1500s to the late 1900s. That is about as exciting as it gets, folks. As a dance nerd, I still felt challenged to pay attention in this class because the work is very tedious and stylized, which is difficult to focus on when all I want to do is jump around. Stage combat was a little but more exciting as we got to play with swords. I've had a little bit of experience with the sword working on Pirates of Penzance at the Muny, but this gave me 10 weeks to refine what I knew already and improve on my sword fighting techniques. If you run into me in a dark ally whilst I am wielding a rapier, be afraid because I'm deadly. (jokes) Photo credit here goes out to Vanessa!
Me and my dance partner Maryn 
Our period dance class 

Vanessa thinking she can stab me 
We went to go see a production of John Ford's Tis Pity She's a Whore at the Sam Wanamaker Playhouse at the Globe. This is a replica of a traditional Jacobean playhouse that would have been found in Renaissance England. The production was done in all candlelight in a very intimate space. It was truly one of the most beautiful productions I have ever seen even though it was about incest!
A photo I took during the show... whoops 
This weekend we went to Cardiff, the capital of Wales! Why you ask? Because we felt like it. We put our butts on a megabus and took the short journey to see this sleepy little coastal town. While we were here we saw the Doctor Who Experience as David is slowly turning me into a Whovian and we went through Cardiff Castle, because no one should leave the UK without seeing at least one castle. Here are some pics from our day-trip. 
Roald Dahl Plass

The Mermaid Quay

The National Assembly Building

The apartments in Cardiff Castle

The interior of the castle keep

The view from the top 

Bottoms Up 

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